Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a working knowledge of 52 se’x positions or a background in po.rn to be ridiculously good in bed. Instead, it comes down to more subtle (and realistic) factors that you may already posses. And if you don't, we're here to help you hone the skills you really need to blow your partner's mind.
(1). You're Not Judgmental:
Whether it's hearing out your partner's fantasy or allowing yourself to really identify your own, being open to different desires and turn-ons is essential in a partner, says se’x therapist Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of She Comes First. "Remember it's all in the realm of fantasy—it's not something you ever have to do," says Kerner. So put aside your judgments and really listen to the desires of you and your partner. You may find that you're into some really interesting stuff. (And if that happens to be BDSM, here's how to have the "bad girl" se’x of your dreams!)
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